Software Engineer

Hack Reactor Week 5

· by Justin Zimmerman · Read in about 1 min · (170 Words)
Hack Reactor

With another week completed, week 5 has been extremely interesting. The topics this week included authentication, and deployment, along with introductions to MongoDB and Angular.


As we all know, security is a pivotal part of development. Authentication is the act of verifying that your user is actually who they say they are. This verification normally includes a username and password. When that password is passed to the server we then return a token for return authentication requests.


Learning deployment has been very fun, and I have really enjoyed leveraging services like Heroku to make deployment easy as possible. Along with deployment, we talked about using build task runners such as Grunt and Gulp.


Angular is an excellent framework that I was able to work with at the end of the week. Unlike Backbone, Angular is quite opinionated, in a good way. Angular has thorough documentation, and has promises built in, to handle callbacks.

With only one more sprint next week, the transition to group project phase begins!
