Software Engineer

Hack Reactor Week 12

· by Justin Zimmerman · Read in about 1 min · (126 Words)
Hack Reactor

The realization that Week 12 has finally come to an end is definitely bitter-sweet. I have spent over 11 hours a day for the past 12 weeks learning Full-Stack Software Engineering. While I am looking forward getting back to a regular sleep schedule, I have learned more than I could imagine, and met many amazing people along the way.

Week 12 consisted of finalizing resumes, creating cover letters, and preparing for the job search ahead. This was one of the most interesting weeks of Hack Reactor, although I can’t go into much detail on their job search process.

I have greatly enjoyed the Hack Reactor journey, and I hope if you are considering Hack Reactor that you have found my 12 weeks of blog posts insightful.
